Help Center
BitTorrent Android App
Getting Started
How do I search for and add a torrent?
How do I change the download location?
How do I choose which files I want to download within a torrent?
How do I pause downloading? How do I pause seeding?
How do I play torrent files?
Where are my downloaded files?
How do I remove the advertising?
Why is my download speed extremely slow?
Why am I consuming much more data than the file’s download size?
What is seeding?
See all 7 articles
Why can’t I open a magnet link anymore? The app hangs on gathering info.
Why can I not play the file?
I cannot download to my SD card. What am I doing wrong?
Why does my download make progress but then stop or hang?
After downloading a file, I cannot find it in my download location. Why?
See all 25 articles
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